Wednesday, March 16, 2016

7 advices of regular exercises

7 tips of regular exercises | Life Allegro live with healthy life
Many of you do exercise regularly or intend to start the exercise. And it helps to live a healthy life and ensure the fitness of body. Regular exercise changes ones own life nicely. But there are absolutely different rules and regulations of common exercises.
  • Use sneakers for running and walking. As if there should be a sufficient space inside shoes. And the fingers should not be folded.
  • You will have to take three to five minutes warm up before running, jogging or walking that mean twisting or jumping of thebody standing in one place to ready the muscles. Again you will have to reduce the speed of exercise gradually in the end of last three minutes.
  • To Exercise in the house you can be purchased a mat from sports shop.
  • You can do stretching at the end of exercising. Pull the legs in a state of sitting and the toes of the feet at yourself trying to make tightness. It would be stretching for the muscles in the back leg.
  • Any exercises are not advised with dress up tightly. Tracksuit is the best for walking.
  • Exercise varies depending on age. If you have arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, perennial nerve injury (also called foot drop or drop foot) etc, you should consult a doctor before exercise.