Monday, March 14, 2016

Urinary Tract Infection: 5 Advices

Tips for urinary tract infection | Life Allegro live with healthy life
A healthy bladder is a very important for everyone yet many people suffer with urinary infection. Almost few people regularly suffer from this problem. Urinary tract infection occurs only for women
- the concept is not correct. However, due to differences in structural urinary system, the risk of urinary infection in a woman’s lifetime is more than 50 percent because women have a shorter urethra than men. This makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder and multiply. But this rate is not lower in the case of children and adult men too. Some of the awareness and alertness can protect you from this infection.
the 5th advice in this regard:
  • The influence of the hormone progesterone of pregnant women has been a problem in the ability of bladder muscle. Besides, the growing uterus put pressure on the bladder. Therefore, the risk of urinary infections increases during women’s pregnancy. It is a major cause of abdominal pain during pregnancy.
  • Urinary infections can be avoided if you drink a lot of water -it is not right all the time. It is higher risk of bacteria infection if urine stuck in urethra or the urine is not complete at a time or it has accumulated in urethra.
  • Urine infection is a major cause of excess blood sugar. Diabetes patients so be careful! Put sugar control.
  • Urinary irritation or pain is not necessarily infection. Such this irritation or pain can be other reasons. So you should not purchase taking antibiotics from the store by guess. It may be counterproductive: If any infection can be covered, taking antibiotics unnecessarily again could have a negative impact.
  • A sense of personal hygiene, awareness of using toilet and constriction avoidance of using toilet outside the house etc. habits also help more to reduce the risk of urine infection. However, if infection repeatedly you should consult a doctor.