Friday, March 18, 2016

Dementia: The Forgotten Disease

Dementia: The Forgotten Disease | Life Allegro live with healthy life
Where the specs are kept, often do not remember. You have forgotten also phone call in any emergency . Even if you suddenly meet familiar someone, unable to remember that person name under this circumstance you are embarrassed.
As you get older you can suffer such kind of this forgotten problem.

In fact, it's a disease, medically called dementia (a chronic or tenacious disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders or loss, personality changes, and vitiate reasoning). The disease is caused by various reasons. For example, brain diseases, vitamin or lack of mineral elements in the body, decreased blood flow to the brain, uncontrolled diabetes, thyroid problems etc. Scientists say that physical exercise and mental exercise can be controlled to some extent of dementia. 
Moreover another report is that people with the least common AB blood typemay increase dementia risk, says a study.
Some advices for this related are given below...
  • The brain is kept in busy with a variety of diverse work. Outside of the traditional all-day official jobs and of leisure time; newspaper-magazine-reading, word through the match (crossword puzzle), chess, and puzzle solving etc games of intelligence and the practice of creative work will be increased your memory.
  • Reduce saturated fat intake, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. It will get the benefit. In this case, fish oil is quite beneficial.
  • Blood pressure, blood sugar and fat keep under control. These are works in favor of reducing the deterioration of brain and blood circulation.
  • Make social life. Keep others news, add yourself in various social works. Spend enough time with friends and relatives. In particular, these practices will increase instantly on older.