Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Is thumb sucking a problem?

Thumb or finger sucking is very natural for children and generally not considered as a worrying condition. Actually, they do so to make themselves calm and get comfort. Sucking may start at any time after birth but mostly start few weeks after birth. They may continue the behaviour till five years of age. But for some children, who continue to suck for longer period, it may be problematic to some extent.

Why babies do so? There is no clear scientific explanation for it. But it has been observed by many scientists that they do it while they fall asleep, prior to calm down or while feel good.

If sucking continues beyond 5-6 years of age, alignment of permanent teeth may be affected. Some tooth may protrude, there may be gap in teething, palate may be more arched and problem with speech and phonation may occur.

Punishing child to get thumb out may not help to solve the problem, as they do it unintentionally. They even do not realise while doing so.
Children usually give up thumb-sucking when they find other ways to calm and comfort themselves. If child tends to suck its thumb when s/he is hungry, for instance, s/he will gradually learn to look for something to eat or ask you for a snack instead.

If you can identify the times and places when your preschooler is most likely to suck his/her thumb — while watching television, for instance — consider distracting him with a substitute activity, such as a rubber ball to squeeze or finger puppets to play with.

If they tend to suck thumb when they are tired, you could try letting them nap longer or moving up their bedtime. Or if they turn to their thumb when they are frustrated, help them express their feelings into words.

The key is to notice the situations when sucking occurs and try to divert her/him attention by offering an alternative. Together, you and your child can find solutions that will — eventually — help them kick the thumb habit.
Thumb sucking is not a bad or very injurious habit. We should not get worried much. We should give more time to divert them from sucking thumb.