Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Excessive home work make child sick

Home Work as well known as Home Tasks is the common way to teach students worldwide including Bangladesh.

We are very much familiar with this but ‘how much home work can your child effort’ or ‘what should be the quantity of home tasks for your child, too much or not enough’ – questions recently raised up as according to CNN ‘new research shows that some students are doing more than three hours of homework a night -- and that all that school work may be literally making them sick’.

The three hours of homework a night is average for a class V-VIII student in our country too, more of a high-school student have to do five to six hours homework a night before going school next day.

CNN reported that a study surveyed on more than 4,300 students from 10 high-performing public and private high schools in upper-middle-class communities found that excessive homework is associated with high stress levels, physical health problems and lack of balance in children`s lives; 56% of the students in the study cited homework as a primary stressor in their lives.

It added, the researchers sought to examine the relationship between homework load and student well-being and engagement, as well as to understand how homework can act as a stressor in students` lives.

Their findings were clear connection between the students` stress and physical impacts -- migraines, ulcers and other stomach problems, sleep deprivation and exhaustion, and weight loss.

Researchers focused on upper-middle-class, privileged schools because it is in these communities that the accepted value of homework is deeply and unquestioningly entrenched.

They said there many students describe schoolwork and the pressures of high academic performance as a dominating force in their day.

In this regard Researchers advised for not more than 90 minutes home work a day.